Social media platforms like LinkedIn can be dangerous to businesses. Because somewhere, sometime and someone is going to create an anonymous profile on these platforms that tells people they are one of you. The worst part of all is, that these platforms allow them to do it freely without your approval. We recently found out that we have a "new" C.E.O we had never met, not even our director knew who this person is.
Levi Davis
Little Rock, Arkansas Area
This profile (Levi Davis) was created and was there without our notice till recently we start looking at our business page. Davis Materialworks' business page was created on Linkedin long ago, and there are quite some changes to the page as they wipe out our done-up page after they changed management and revamped their platform.
Here are some history we found online about Linkedin
- Linkedin via Wikipedia
- Timeline of Linkedin via Wikipedia
- Infographic of Linkedin via
- Who owns Linkedin
- Why "they" buy Linkedin
Now back to our issue. Who is Levi Davis?
- We have no idea
- We don't even know who he or she is in person.
Look like social media platforms behave the same after all. They will always tell you they did not create the issue encounter on their platform, and you will be the one to face it because you use it, and your suggestion will only be their consideration to fix the issue when they are free as they are always swamped! And yes, this is a loophole / a grey area. Users can link themselves to a company with any position on Linkedin without approval, and the page admin will have a hard time removing them.
Credit: Gif by | image via Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels