Reviews •   Dec 21, 2020

Demo 2 - Research & Follow up

Where are the Dollars & Cents?

Guess you might already read these 2 articles we've put up for #automation #demo2 #sidemo2 #siwebautomation . If you have not, please read it to understand better what we will share with you in this article.

  1. Si Web Automation
  2. SI Demo 2 - Introduction


After we push out the introduction of Demo 2, we have quite a few likes and inquiries. We're trying our best to cover all inquiries, and one of them is to justify what we are talking about on the market rate and how Demo 2 can help you save operation costs. If you still don't get it, it is best not to look into this solution or investment.

Warren Buffett's quote:
"Never invest in a business you cannot understand."
"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."
"If you don't feel comfortable making a rough estimate of the asset's future earnings, just forget it and move on."

This is what we found in the listing for Training Venue (look at the Price)
Note: We got to blur out the name & brand. If you want real stat, please visit the site and try it on your own. You can click or tap the image to enlarge it.

This is what we found in the listing for Classroom Venue (look at the Price)
Note: We got to blur out the name & brand. If you want real stat, please visit the site and try it on your own. You can click or tap the image to enlarge it.

This is what we found in the listing for the PR Event (look at the Price)
Note: We got to blur out the name & brand. If you want real stat, please visit the site and try it on your own. You can click or tap the image to enlarge it.


All information are from Tagvenue, they provide Singapore Event Venues Listing. You can search and book top event venues for rent in Singapore.


Not sure if you notice, these locations charge by per hour / per day / per person / per hire fee / per session / per morning / per afternoonminimun spending

Bear in mind; these locations are operating with a group/team, with high-end facilities, rated services, and some might be in a prime location which is why they cost more. So if you read Demo 2 - Introduction, you will understand why and how it can help operators or investors like you reduce running costs. The save up cost and profits can be used for better use like better location, better hiring, or better investment.

Interested? Want to know more?
Don't wait; get in touch with us today. Please select Demo 2 as an e-mail form.

Credits: Image via twenty20 | Gif via Giphy