Alerts •   Apr 26, 2021

Your attempt to contact a Wix domain owner

& the owner need to use sendgrid to ask?

We got this email saying we attempt to contact a Wix domain owner, but there is no information of the owner; at the same time, we do recall we did, nor is there any timestamp or proof we did attempt to make contact.
The best part of the email was, "Please do not reply to this message."

These are the 3 links in the email:
Do not visit the links mentioned below if you do not know what you are doing, and we do not hold any responsibility for any damages apply to you.

Send message using this form:

To Report Abuse:

Privacy Policy


We did some safety checks on the links, it's a link to Wix, but we have not idea if it is really Wix. Anyone from Wix can clarify this?
Another thought that came to us is that someone impersonates us on Wix manages sites, triggering this email. As mention, we didn't recall any of us did that.

We don't think we did contact anyone using Wix after we drill deeper.

  1. Your attempt to contact a Wix domain owner
  2. Identifying and Reporting A Phishing Site on Wix


Credit: Photo by Joe Green on Unsplash