The way we connect with others in a traditional market is rapidly changing into a digital system. The highly infectious COVID-19 pandemic possibly made this, but an increasing reliance on technology as a way to interact with people was eventually inevitable.
Because of the push for remotely doing everything in 2020, remote work, online networking, and virtual events became common practice. With that normally came the need for a digital way to exchange contact information. As we are now in 2021, despite traditional paper business cards being around for centuries, the fact of exchanging one piece of paper for another is quickly changing. In its place emerges a rising digital business card.
What is a digital business card?
A digital business card (virtual or electronic business card) is an online sharing of contact information system. Digital business cards can be created on a website from any device and are often more affordable than traditional paper counterparts. Like normal business cards, electronic business cards can be customized, designed, and shared with anyone. There are no space limits with digital cards; you can add as much or as much information to your card as you’d like. For your normal contact information (like your name, company name, email address, and phone numbers), you can enrich your card with a photo or video, a logo, social media profiles, and many more.
How do digital business cards work?
There are various digital business cards now, and you need to find out the one that works for you. Scard is a smart digital business card, business card scanner, and contact management system. Scard lets you make different customized domain links and email systems and save business cards with different information on each card to have a card for your work contacts. Unlike other business cards with Scard, you can share your card with anyone with your domain link or email address just a touch away on the screen.
What are the benefits of digital business cards?
There are too many reasons why digital business cards are the way to use them. Here are a few benefits of digital business cards:
Easy to Use
As long as you have access to your phone or computer or any device, you’ll always have your digital business cards on hand. Everything is now electronic, so you’ll never need to worry about your card supply getting low and if you need to order more. Digital cards are also straightforward. If you switch jobs, get a new number, or make a typo, now that can be a costly mistake with traditional paper cards but not in digital cards. It gives you access to privacy control too. It has an analytics system wherever someone clicks your cards and how much reach you get via your cards.
We have to accept that traditional paper business cards aren’t the most environmentally friendly. Over 90% of paper cards are thrown away. Talk about wasted paper! We need to switch from paper to electronic cards because we would save over seven million trees each year. Isn’t it huge and helpful for nature and eco friendly?
Digital business cards are more affordable than traditional paper cards. (In Scard’s case, they’re more convenient) There’s no need to pay hundreds of dollars per year on traditional paper cards that we will throw away. Save that money and use it for another aspect of your business, be on a budget. Do business smartly.
If you are interested in a premium business card experience, Scard allows for upgrades. Scard offers free and subscription plans for individuals with premium features like custom URLs, colors, QR codes, Nfc tags, and more. You can share domain addresses on websites, messenger, print, or screen. You can share QR codes in close or distance contact on print or screen. You can share NFC in close contact on a pre-made tag. You can edit display content at any instance. Built with Privacy and Analytics.
Scard for Business is a great and affordable digital business card for teams and organizations looking to switch from a traditional paper card to a digital business card.
With online meetings and virtual events becoming the new normal, digital business cards are now becoming normal in life. The Digital cards are easy to be shared with anyone, anywhere; send the link over text, mail, or social media. You can hold up your QR code, and anyone can scan your code and have instant access to your card.
Seamless follow-ups
When you receive a traditional paper business card, what do you normally do? Most of the time, you will toss it. Or almost immediately thrown it out. Digital cards make things easier and efficient because you can reach contacts on any smart device like a computer, tablet, mobile via the internet.
ADD or Change Content Whenever You Want
Suppose you are changing your business, adding new contact details, moving business location, adding new branches is easy on your Scard profile. But in tradition business card might end up re-print for all staffs which cost a lot. But in Scard, it is easy and time-consuming, affordable too.
How do I share my Business card in the Digital Space?
So your card is personalized and always ready to be shared. Sharing your digital business card is very simple and can be shared anytime from anywhere. Share your Scard on digital space like domain address, QR code, or Nfc tag. You can share domain addresses on websites, messenger, print, or screen. You can share QR codes in close or distance contact on print or screen. You can share NFC in close contact on a pre-make tag. So there are so many ways available to share your digital business card within the digital space.
Get started with Scard.
Scard is a free and subscribed digital business card system. It is designed to help you create and grow your business network. If you’re ready to change from traditional paper business cards to digital, it’s time to come up with a change in the general market and move to the digital business card with Scard.
While the system may change, the function of being able to connect with other people will always be more efficient. By making it easy for others to find and contact you and taking care to connect with and learn about others, you will greatly enhance your professional network with Scard digital business card.